Sins Alumni


Shannon Addams

Matt Arellano

Ian Arkwright

Sammy "Stoney" Balkin

Graham Barton

Scott Bennett

David Berck

Mink Bilz

Robert Blechman

Lisa Boling

Tammie Boling

Leanna Bowyer

Trina Calkins

Drew Campese

Meagan Canepa

Kitty Carlyle

Jenn Carpenter

Jessi Chase

Jennifer Childs

Djahari Clark

Jonathan Cuffs

Jamie Davis

Kevin Davis

Bradford DeMoss

Amanda Dearest

Jim Dockery

Lauren Dragutsky

Bret Dubin

Paco Erskine

Jessica "Blondie" Essak

David Esser

Stephanie Fasteau

Sarah "Lovechild" Fortman

Felix Gallo

Thomas Gandy

PJ Gaynard

Amanda Goldfarb

Jeremiah Good

Cynthia Gray

Evan Greenberg

Sioux Grim

Dave Guntner

Kjell Hagen

Scott Hall

Bill Harbison

Jim Harney 

Catie Hartnek

Ilya Haykinson

Larissa Haykinson

Marilynn Hendrie

Robert Henert

Andrew Horror

Brent Horror

Gina Horror

Jonathan Horror

Katy Horror

Kaylin Horror

Lil' John Horror

Lisa Horror

Marianne Horror

Renee Horror

Rob Horror

Saladin Horror

Susan Horror

Terry Horror

Tommy Horror

Joylin Houston

Dana Huber

Jamal Igle

Jeff Isaacson

John Jocelyn

Michael Juarez

Uri Kelman

Dan Kirk

Missy Krueger

Wayne Labat

Vivs Laliberte

Maggie Lally

Christina Larsen

Neil MacMillan

Tracy Manchen

Jessica Mangone

Niki Marie

Troy Martin

Carolyn Mears

Eden Medeiros

Jason Medeiros

Kevin Medeiros

Deidre Moore

Phil Morton

Lea Nave

Ofer Nave

"Lisa D" Olivas

Kenji Ono

Fred Paniagua

Lisa Patterson

Mike Phillips

Jon Pisciotta

Carlos Rangel

Omar Rashad

Carla Regina

Christie Russell

David "Cracka Snowflake" Sanders

Nate S

Kat Schvartz

Amy Smalley

Baruch Smith

Meira Smith

Ryan Stern

Jim Taber


Cassie Townsend

Jaime Valdez

Jennifer Verduzco

"Mohawk Bill" Walter

Marty Weiss

Damon Wenker

Corey Wooley

Brian Yaras

Ian Zander

Normandie Zeidler

Jen Horror

Stephanie Horror
Lori Vashaw

Elliot Horror


Lots of Alumni


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Write a brief bio of your exploits, let us know how long you were on cast, and tell us anything else you'd like! If you have a digital picture of yourself, enclose it! If not, we probably have pictures of you lying around somewhere.

If you're up here and wish to have your last name removed to protect your anonymity, go ahead and email us, too. If you're up here and you have no bio, please send us one!

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